Drive Down Memory Lane

With Graduation so near I can’t help but reminiscence on my childhood and all the fun times I’ve had. My high school days are almost complete/over. I speak of childhood as if it was ages away but I know this comes with the adolescence stage. I am positive many can relate. Indulging in thoughts of past memories brings a bitter sweet taste. The fond memories should never be lost.

Emilie Gomez Teen Talk ReporterWe live in a world where we all want to grow up super fast. A world where being an adult is supreme. The satisfaction of being taken seriously, making your own decisions and being independent as a whole entices us. However, when the responsibility becomes a burden and the life you live is overwhelming you seek comfort in a little place in your heart where the inner child you can be safely cocooned.

We eventually have to grow up and develop some sense of maturity. Adolescents don’t want to be seen with people who aren’t viewed as “cool”; sorry to say most of these people would include parents. We try living life in a certain manner to be socially accepted or at least not socially neglected.

What it comes down to is, be yourself and embrace that inner child. Don’t attempt to perfect your image for what others want you to be. This HOME found in all of us is the small part that never really and never will grow up; the part that allows us to have an escape, whether it be a memory, an object or someone who understands as well as appreciates the child you. You can be responsible and determined without losing the fun side of you. Always take time for yourself after all that hard work and smile about the good times you’ve lived.

So this week I asked my peers: “What is the constant reminder of the inner child you turn to for bliss and comfort?”

Teen Talker: “Grandma’s food, flashbacks of times when my grandfather cut sugar cane for us to chew on, and watching adventurous innocent children on the hunt for kittens or playing with ‘mud tamales’. These touching memories constantly remind me of the bliss once lived and to keep looking forward to more.”

Nena: “I remember when we were younger the whole family: me, Guillermo, Itzy, Samir and more, we’d go outside and play hide & seek. It was so much fun. We use to do it all the time but for some reason it stopped. That’s a memory that always brings a smile to my face and I will always cherish. “

Eric: “Definitely watching old cartoons and consuming candy.”

Magz: “Dancing has always been that escape ever since I was three and it brings so many great memories.”

Tisane: “My old preschool graduation photos because it always reminds me of how proud I made my parents. It makes me feel proud of what I have accomplished in life and in what I intend to do in the future. It also reminds me not to follow what others are doing and because many times that does not turn out so well.”
Rick: “For me it is watching a young boy and his little sister fighting and then laughing about it later on.”

Kar: “Flashbacks of our old family picnics at the beach with lots of food and fun games always takes me back to my childhood days.”

Gaby: “Childhood laughter brings me back to tooth fairy days when you lose your tooth and your mom comes with a piece of string and your scared but she helps to pull it out. Those were funny days.”

Glendi: “The only thing that really connects me to my inner child and my carefree days is going to San Pedro. No matter what’s going on or going wrong if I’m in San Pedro, everything’s ok.”

Jasmine: “Definitely it has to be my old friend I grew up with. We have now drifted apart a bit but every time I see her memories of my childhood come racing back in my memory, those happy moments where nothing mattered or bothered us.”

Michelle: “The memory of living with my grandmother; she was my mom but I had to leave to live with my dad and then I met this wonderful lady that has the same name as her. Well, she reminds me so much of her and the good old days.”

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