Carnaval Celebrations Start with New Painting Rules

You probably heard about the new rules to San Pedro Carnival this year; some of you might like it but we have heard how others think differently about them. I personally think it is kind of good as it will stop a lot of vandalism that takes place.  

Ambergris Today Teen Talk Reporter Ryan AnconaThe rules state: “Painting will be ONLY be allowed from the Cemetery (beachside) all the way to Ruby’s Hotel and on Barrier Reef Drive only between the hours of 4pm to 10pm.” If you think logically it is a good thing. The rules that caught a lot of teens’ attention were the rules of no bottle squeezers and no throwing of eggs.

Egg throwing and the tossing of paint through squeeze bottles are the two major things that cause the most damage to property during Carnaval. The paint ruins buildings, vehicles and business signs and the eggs leave a horrible smell once it starts rotting on the streets.

There are also a lot of tourists who might not like the site of paint all over the town and the smell of raw eggs. It is great that the Town Council restricted the painting to only front street and the beach area.

I don’t really go out because I don’t like to be covered in paint but for other people it is a really fun time. Carnival is a great tradition and really keeps the feel of a San Pedro tradition alive; it helps with our individuality. Kindly tell me what you think about carnival. Do like it; do you agree with the new rules?

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