Spending Quality Time with Family

– by Ryan Ancona, Teen Talk Reporter – Mother’s Day celebrations just recently took place and it got me thinking, “What about the rest of your family?” It is well known that most teens don’t really spend much time with their family. This is mostly because most teens like to be with their friends ALL of the time and the ones who do not go out with friends still spend a limited time with their family; they like to be alone.

I am not saying that counts for everyone. There are also a lot of teens that spend a lot of time with their family. So for the ones that do not spend much time with their family, you probably would think to yourself, “When should I spend time with my family?”

Well! The time to spend with your family doesn’t have to be every minute of every day. When are the best times to spend some quality time with the FAM? How about during meal times or taking time to do something on Sunday mornings – either having a picnic or just going to the beach. Also, another way to spend time with your family on Sundays is by going to church, if you are religious.

During these times that teens are with their family, most still would prefer to be on their phones, with friends or just being bored. Family time can be awesome, once you grow up you spend less time with them and start missing your parents and siblings. When you are with them with them try to talk and just enjoy your time together.

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