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Area No. 5 – San Pedrito

The fifth area in San Pedro to be developed into a residential development was San Pedrito. It was so called because it was like an immediate extension of San Pedro proper. With the huge success of San Pablo, Glenn Godfrey knew that more land for the residents of San Pedro would please many people and also win him another election as he was looking for his second term of office. So he and his committee focused their eyes in a swampland area behind the airstrip and towards the lagoon.

The land had belonged to Taff Elliott and group and Glenn easily convinced them to sell over the few acres to the government for development. In 1992 the area was divided and people were invited to apply and come out for a public drawing in which lots were assigned to them even before subdivision of the area. In fact, the then Area Representative Godfrey had also obtained monies from the Baron Bliss Trust Fund to start a civic center for San Pedro, which was to be named the Dame Minita Civic Center. There was a symbolic ground breaking ceremony for that project at the same time lots were issued to all the residents who had applied. Filling of the mangrove area was to follow shortly.

In 1993, the following year, general elections were held and even though Godfrey won his seat, the UDP won the general elections and Godfrey became sort of powerless in terms of representation with government. The Governor General of Belize, Dame Minita Gordon, was replaced and with that the civic center dream dissolved. A UDP lands committee was appointed and they called the shots in the San Pedrito area. Something very similar to San Juan occurred. The bottom line was that the parcels were given out without any land filling and without any infrastructure. The result was a residential development that gave much to be desired. People attempted to fill lots with garbage and the streets were below sea level. If the problem was bad when there were mosquitoes, it was worse when it rained and the entire area was underwater. For many years there were massive efforts to improve the area with politicians and town leaders lending it much attention and the residents battling themselves.

Today, after a final blow by Hurricane Keith, San Pedrito has undergone much improvement, with better streets, homes and businesses. It is no longer the forgotten area of San Pedro. It has come a long way and residents of San Pedrito can all be proud of their accomplishment of a place they call home. Twenty Five Years Ago and Ambergris Today salute you.

Photo Caption: San Pedrito neighborhood.

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