Sanpedranos at the Panama Canal

How many of you know that there were a few Sanpedranos that worked in the construction of the Panama Canal? Not many I suppose, but documented evidence reveals of several of them working there in several capacities.

One of them is Mr. Miguel “Mike” Rivero who was dad to Eli, Toni, Miguel “Sabas” Rivero, Rilma and Mrs. Evelia Rivero Paz. We will let the evidence speak for itself, and here is a certificate of identity, which served as a passport. It is a passport of British Honduras, as the colony of Belize was known up to 1961, and was signed by Inspector of Police bearing Mike’s signature and fingerprint of his right thumb.

And the following is a letter of recommendation for Miguel Rivero after having worked in Panama at Balboa Material Yard where materials were stocked and checked out. Again the evidence speaks for itself. Twenty Five Years Ago salutes these brave Sanpedranos who left home and family to take up a challenge in a foreign country in their quest to improve their lives in San Pedro where fishing and coconuts were the order of the day.

– by Angel Nuñez, Columnist

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