San Pedro’s Firsts

The last column on Nurse Neria Arceo, our first local nurse on the Island, has prompted friends to ask who were firsts in other areas. Although I have written about these with short descriptions about 12 years ago, I thought perhaps many of you missed it, especially newcomers to San Pedro, so here is a summarized list to satisfy your normal curiosity. These people and institutions that set the pace for development in San Pedro.

The first hotel – Holiday Hotel by Celi Nuñez. (read more in 25 Yrs. Ago The Book)
First Dive Shop – Coral Beach Dive Shop by Alan Forman and group. (more in book)
First Gift Shop – D and G’s Gift Shop by Dimas Guerrero. (named by Yours Truly)
First Sanpedrano Pilot – Captain Nando Trejo Jr.
First local Doctor – Dr. Daniel Gonzalez
First or Early Midwives – Leandra Rivero, Chabby Guerrero (more in book)
First President Fishing Cooperative – Geminiano Aguilar (+)
First Manager Fishing Cooperative -Pedro Salazar of Pete’s Enterprises
First Mayor – Gilberto “Chico” Gomez
First Graduates San Pedro High 1975 – Orlando “Landy” Trejo, James Azueta,
Clarita Ancona Abel Guerrero, Lydia Guerrero, Milly Castillo, Dilly Salazar,
Pedro “Sony” Vasquez, Guillermo “Mito” Paz, Efrain Guerrero Jr.
First Cinema – Teatro Arenas by Fido Nunez (+)
First Bar – Daddy’s Club by Gildardo “Dady” Paz Sr.
First Telephone – by BTL at home of Mr. Enrique Staines (+) at Elvi’s
First Speedboat -Reef Colony owned by retired U.S. citizen Vernon Hammon
First Airstrip – up north at Basil Jones area by an American Oil Exploration company.
First Tourist Guides – Abel Guerrero, Gaby Perez, Lucilo Guerrero, Jose Gonzalez,
Pete Graniel
First Cargo Boat owner – Felipe “Tio Pil” Paz
First Boat builder – Mr. Maurice Bladden (+) First skiff builders -Miguel Alamilla & Gonzalo Muñoz
First Sanpedrano refrigeration Technician – Wally Nuñez
First local lobster buyer – Efrain Guerrero Sr.
First Coconut buyers – George and Apoloño “Tuto” Alamilla
First Miss San Pedro – Leni Aguilar Alamilla (1955) 59 yrs. Ago
First Miss San Pedro with swimwear on stage – Yolanda Gutierrez Zapata (1978)

That’s pretty much it in terms of “firsts”, but would you like to know who was the first Sanpedrano to go to prison? Sorry my intro does not allow for this kind of “firsts”. I also have first Sanpedrano to write and publish a book, but this does not go 25 years ago.

– by Angel Nuñez, Columnist

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