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Publicizing News In The Past

By Angel Nuñez

So now Ambergris Today has gone full time online and is a daily electronic news source not only for San Pedro and Belize but also for the World.  Communication has indeed come a long way in San Pedro.

With this historic innovation in communication for San Pedro, I could not help reminisce on communication in the 1950’s and 60’s.  To announce an activity that was to occur in the village like a bazaar, procession, dance etc. the message was written with chalk on a blackboard barrowed from the R.C. School.  Two children, usually boys, carried the board around the village with a third boy ringing a bell to attract the attention of the villagers.  Whenever a person would come forth, the children kindly paused momentarily for the folks to read and become informed. Usually these kids were paid a nickel or a dime and you can bet your sweet lip that they were super happy.  Don’t ask me why girls were not used to carry the sign around the village like you see girls in the boxing rings with placards announcing the rounds.

Imagine having your relative’s funeral announced with a short note hand written on paper and taken to everyone at their homes for them to read, be informed and invited.  Cool!  This was a very personal invitation and the reason this was not done on a blackboard is that this way it made the invitation very special and personal.

Now imagine your wedding coming up and you invite your friends and relatives in similar fashion.  You write a short invitation on paper and send it around. Cool!  That would save on printing of wedding invitations.  It would not be personal or formal because everyone got to read the same note and you could not get to keep it.  But that is how it was done twenty five years ago.  Come to think of it, here we have an invitation for a farewell social event for renowned Sanpedrana Nathalie Hancock when she was about to leave the Island to England.  It turned out to be one of San Pedro’s most well attended farewells.  That’s how it was twenty five years ago. That simple.

Letter Invitation for a farewell for Nathalie Hancock

25 Years Ago Books Can Be Purchased At:
-Ambergris Today -Lala’s Store -Chico’s Meat Shop -Pampered Paws -Ambergris Jade -San Pedro BTB Office -Aquarious Salon (Kim) -S.P. Town Library -Di Bush -Richies Stationery -San Pedrano’s Stationery

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