Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? #2

By Angel Nuñez

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you remember chewing up the chicken bone, lobster feet, and even sucked up and savored a fried fish head.
And you know you are a modern Sanpedrano if your menu calls for Chicken Cordon Bleu, Fillet Mignon and pupusas

You know you are amodern Sanpedrano if you get toys only for Christmas and you knew there was a Santa Claus but you never saw him in person.
And you know you are a modern-day Sanpedrano if you get toys all year round and for Christmas you see about five different Santa Claus at different events.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you remember drying your skin with your sister’s discarded old dress.
You know you are amodern Sanpedrano if you use a large body towel and wash it daily and dry it in your dryer so it gets soft and smells pleasant.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you remember that you used to wipe your butt with hard paper.
And you know you are a modern Sanpedrano if you have a selection of soft and super soft, two ply and three ply and  scented toilet paper to choose from.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you remember having to tolerate your Belize City friends who swarmed into your house from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday for the Easter vacations.
And you know you are a modern day Sanpedrano if you refer your visiting friends to Holiday Hotel, Ramon’s Village, Victoria House, Tranquility Bay or Paz Villas.  

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you remember that for weddings the popular gift items were sets of plates, tumblers or drinking glasses, frying pans and maybe a kerosene iron.
And you know that you are a modern day Sanpedrano if you get a wedding invitation that says “Monetary gifts preferred.”

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you remember that your birthday presents included pencils, exercise books, a bar of soap, or even a toothbrush.
You know you are a modern Sanpedrano if you get for your birthday gifts video games, clothing, and cell phones.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you remember celebrating when you got a magazine and used the colorful pages to cover gaps from your thatch house so the mosquitoes wouldn’t enter.
And you know that you are a modern day Sanpedrano if you download a magazine on your iPod.

Old Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's Sanpedrano

25 Years Ago Books Can Be Purchased At:
-Ambergris Today -Lala’s Store -Chico’s Meat Shop -Pampered Paws -Ambergris Jade -San Pedro BTB Office -Aquarious Salon (Kim) -S.P. Town Library -Di Bush -Richies Stationery -San Pedrano’s Stationery

Contact the Author at: nunez_nest@yahoo.com

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