Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? #3

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if You only ate buns when Mr. Joe Alamilla used to bring them occasionally on board of the Elsa P that brought cargo to San Pedro.
And you know you are a modern Sanpedrano if  you just walk over to La popular, The Baker or any store in San Pedro and purchase your delicious buns.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you refused to eat fish from the lagoon because it was infested with a fish called Eshpinta, which used to eat human poop from the public latrines over the lagoon.
And you know you are a modern Sanpedrano if You go over to the lagoon to dine at such fine Restaurants like the Sunset Restaurant and you can feed the tarpons at the lagoon and ironically you can’t eat the tarpons because they are protected.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you used to burn green coconut husk or leaves to create smoke to chase away the mosquitoes, and there were buckets with smoke for family reunions, parties and even weddings.
And you know you are a present day Sanpedrano if
at the first appearance of mosquitoes you see the town council spraying around the town with Malathion which can kill the mosquitoes and perhaps you too.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if you played all kinds of games and sports in the middle of the streets without any hassle.
And you know that you are a modern Sanpedrano if You stop momentarily for 5 seconds and someone is honking behind you and probably cussing you too.

You know you are an old timer Sanpedrano if Your child went to school with two exercise books and a pencil.
And you know you are a present day Sanpedrano if our child has a back pack full of books and notebooks and it is so heavy that the child cannot carry it himself but drags it with his bag equipped with wheels. And the modern day parents are praying for the day when text books will be downloaded on Ipods.

Old Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's SanpedranoOld Timer Or Today's Sanpedrano

25 Years Ago Books Can Be Purchased At:
-Ambergris Today -Lala’s Store -Chico’s Meat Shop -Pampered Paws -Ambergris Jade -San Pedro BTB Office -Aquarious Salon (Kim) -S.P. Town Library -Di Bush -Richies Stationery -San Pedrano’s Stationery

Contact the Author at: nunez_nest@yahoo.com

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