The Flying Piñata

By Angel Nuñez

If we look back at Independence celebrations of years gone by, you will find some amenities that the children and indeed the families enjoyed to the maximum and perhaps should have never been allowed to be discontinued.  One of them is the “Greasy Pole” and I am so glad to have seen it once again at the beach party on the Tenth of September and the Independence Day Celebration.  There are actually two kinds of greasy poles that challenged the folks for a grand prize. There was the Land Greasy Pole and a Sea Greasy Pole.

The one over the sea was a horizontal pole extending from the main pier about 15 feet over the sea.  To make it a bit more challenging, it was elevated to a very slight angle, (perhaps 5 degrees) and it had to be challenged individually.  You could walk it, slide it, creep it, hang from the pole with arms and legs, and struggle your way to the end to grab the flag and the $100 prize.  Trust me; it was as much fun or perhaps even more than the Land Greasy Pole.

Another long awaited event was the Flying Piñata.  What’s that?  Get ready for this.  Nando Trejo, the captain and pilot for Tropic and later his own airline Maya Island Air got into a small plane and flew as low as he knew he could and as he flew over Central Park, he would open his side window and release bagfuls of candies and goodies just like you would have in a birthday piñata.  Thus the reason it was called a flying piñata.  Imagine the excitement of the children collecting goodies all over the park, the police station, on top of Daddy’s Bar, on top of Jaguars Temple, Sands Hotel and perhaps even into Pescador Drive.

Captain Nando was a great Pilot.  I think he still is and should try it again some time.  He would come from the direction of the reef towards the beach, tilt the wings up and down, and knew just when to release to have his drop right over the park and even unto the stage.  I must admit he was good.  He invited me many times to go along with him on the piñata ride, but I always felt more comfortable with my microphone on stage announcing the coming of the F L Y I N G  P I Ñ A T A..  However, I really enjoyed the flying piñata as much as the kids did.  Good old fun events of Twenty Five Years Ago!

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