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25 Years Ago

An archive of a series of stories by Angel Nunez about the history of San Pedro, Belize. The writings reflect the life of a small fishing village filled with actual events, customs and culture, social life, successes, and problems all of which made up San Pedro twenty-five years ago.

In Interest of the Town

I am inspired to write this one based on Mr. Fidel Ancona’s resignation as chairman of the Ambergris Caye Local Building Authority. In his letter Mr. Ancona puts blame on the San Pedro Town

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Enjoy Old San Pedro Memories

“Give me some more stories of old San Pedro,” says Christina Bradley, whom everyone affectionately known as Nana. Nana is a San Pedrana high school graduate now studying in the USA, and enjoys learning

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No Offense To Animals

We had a Facebook communication this week by a Sanpedrana living in the United States telling us how much she enjoyed last week’s topic on Twenty Five Years Ago on the lashing of animals.

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Behind the Scenes of the First Airstrip

Celi Mac, actually Celi Nunez, and I had a wonderful conversation just last week as we waited in the Honorable Minister Heredia’s office. And of course conversation was centered about many topics of our

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When We Got Tired Of Eating Fish

Jump into your hammock and close your eyes and go back, I mean go way way back to enjoy good old Belizean San Pedro style of living. Remember those days when daddy used to

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Enjoying Great Belizean Memories

Close your eyes and go back. Go way way back to those days. I am talking about those days when you used to get up in the morning to the smell of coconut husk

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Enjoy Memories of Old San Pedro

Close your eyes and go back. Go way, way back. I am talking about playing hide and seek at the beach with the neighborhood boys and girls and then going home late, around six

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House Building with No Electric Tools

Those of us who like carpentry spend a lot of our spare time doing carpentry chores around the home, especially around Christmas time. There are bar stools to repair, closets to upgrade, and many

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Mass In Latin

Dominus vu Biscum. Et cum spiritu tu. Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificaetur nomen tuum, adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie;

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Cooking… A Woman Thing?

Ooops, so you missed last week’s article on “machismo” (chauvinism) dealing with the wife having to heat up her husband’s bucket bath, swatting the flies away so he would eat peacefully, and not being

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All In A Day's Catch!

During their vacation on La Isla Bonita, friendly couple Amy and Henry Stanley from Chillicothe, Ohio, went out to sea with a sharp tour guide – Tomas from El Pescador. They caught an amazing

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It Was All About Machismo

Oooops, I thought. Ambergris Today is coming up with a new and exciting column. I better sharpen up with my skills or that column can swallow me and send me to anonymity. And so

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Transportation on La Isla Bonita

There are many forms of transportation on la Isla Bonita but this one has to be the most creative one. This breadwinner constructed his very first mobile craft shop. This craftsman travels from Boca

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Village Christmas In The 1950’s Part 2

As I reminisce about Christmas 25 years ago, I find out with a sense of nostalgia some aspects that have disappeared from the goof old fashioned Christmas Belizean style and in particular San Pedro

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