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25 Years Ago

An archive of a series of stories by Angel Nunez about the history of San Pedro, Belize. The writings reflect the life of a small fishing village filled with actual events, customs and culture, social life, successes, and problems all of which made up San Pedro twenty-five years ago.

The Legendary Cuz

During the days of the Silver Township celebration of San Pedro Town, the name of Louis Sylvestre Cuz was repeatedly heard on the talk shows, the street, and on stage the night of the

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Las Animas / The Spirits

Do people have spirits that remain roaming around the earth after one dies? Yes they do. How can I be so certain? Well my father felt them back in 1932 one year after the

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Strange Happenings of the Past

At one time I wrote about several fables like the story of the giant lobster whose shell was used as a dory. But these are legends, so I did not wish to place these

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A Recession 25 Years Ago?

No! Not Really! I don’t think there was a recession in the 1940’s and 50’s, but everyone behaved and lived as if there was one, so we did save some money and in the

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Romance and More Romance

I did ask for feedback on the story about courting, call it romance if you wish, twenty five years ago, and I got several comments. I also realize that I promised for this week

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Courting Time

When a guy realized that he liked this particular girl, he made his plan to try to reach her to communicate this message. He could not meet her at high school because there was

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An Era of No Crime

A lot of friends who like to read Twenty Five Years Ago like to ask me to write things or times when we did not have certain things like airplanes, electricity, ice or vehicles.

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La X’tabai, The Enchantress

Folklore stories and myths have a reason. We have seen how the Alux was meant to play tricks and scare farmers and bushmen so that they would be kind to strangers whom they met

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The Cry of La Llorona

Llorona-This is what they would call you today and it was what we called those persons who were easy to cry. I mean you look at them and just say: “You will cry right

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"El Tata Balan"- San Pedro Folklore

Twenty Five Years Ago there were tales of many legendary characters and each one for a particular reason. The Alux, of whom I wrote last week, was intended for the villagers, especially the farmers

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The Alux at Cayo Espanto

Espanto is a Spanish word meaning frighten/frightening. Twenty five years ago if someone were to invite you to spend the night at Cayo Espanto, you would ponder whether you would or not because of

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Those Old Fashioned Swimsuits!

Saturday night as I enjoyed the Miss San Pedro Beauty, Elegance, Talent, Courage, and Intelligence Pageant, I could not help but recall to mind the use of swimsuits twenty five years ago. I noticed

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There was “Purga and then LOMBRICERA”

My last column dealt with the much dreaded practice of de-worming kids with Castor oil or “Purga” as it was called back then. Now if you think that was torment enough, I was reminded

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