Canary Coves Sponsors Park Beautification

Canary Coves does it again! Our Island has gained a great benefactor who has us at heart and is always giving back to the community wholeheartedly. Mr. Don Listwin, owner of Canary Cove, sponsored the beautification of the Boca Del Rio Park under the supervision of Mr. Gil Nuñez.

The beautification consisted of the construction of four new palapas with picnic tables, a complete playground set with swings, slides and rock climbing area. The basketball court received a new paint job and several plants were planted around the area for further beautification.

Owners of Canary Cove, a private residence located five miles of North Ambergris Caye, have been visiting La Isla Bonita for years, bought their home on North Ambergris Caye and are giving back generously to the community they now call home. Giving is norm to them. They have assisted the police department as well as the tour guide association and their biggest donation has been the construction of the picnic area at the San Pedro RC School as well as a new school building that houses three brand new classrooms.

On behalf of the community of San Pedro, Ambergris Today takes this opportunity to thank to the owners of Canary Cove for having our community at heart. Kudos guys!

Canary Coves Sponsors Park Beautification

Canary Coves Sponsors Park BeautificationCanary Coves Sponsors Park BeautificationCanary Coves Sponsors Park BeautificationCanary Coves Sponsors Park BeautificationCanary Coves Sponsors Park BeautificationCanary Coves Sponsors Park Beautification

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