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Countdown to Census 2010

The Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) is preparing over 750 enumerators countrywide for its 2010 Population & Housing Census for Belize. Over 40 enumerators are taking a two-week training here on the island and on May 12, 2010 these enumerators will be visiting your home under the theme “It’s 2010…Let’s count again!”.

The primary functions of the SIB are to collect, compile, extract, analyze and release official statistics pertaining to the demographic, social, environmental, economic and general activities and conditions of Belize on an impartial basis and in accordance with professional standards and ethics.

All SIB interviewers carry official photo identification cards and work under and oath of secrecy and all information collected by them is kept strictly confidential. The general public is being asked to kindly cooperate and assist in the 2010 Census of Belize. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the 2010 Census feel free to contact the Statistical Institute of Belize at

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