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25 Years Ago

An archive of a series of stories by Angel Nunez about the history of San Pedro, Belize. The writings reflect the life of a small fishing village filled with actual events, customs and culture, social life, successes, and problems all of which made up San Pedro twenty-five years ago.

Always a United San Pedro

By Angel Nuñez During the last telethon that Mel Paz and I were conducting for Baby Elijah Eiley, we complimented the people of San Pedro for their ever generosity, cooperation and very caring spirit

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It's A Small World After All!

By Angel NuñezThere is an exhibition at Disney World called, “It’s a Small World” but I am referring to our real world.  It is indeed quite large counting with a population of 7.043 billion

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San Pedro's Biggest Festival Back Then

By Angel Nuñez In the book, The Little World of Danny Vasquez, narrated by a Sanpedrano, Danny recollects on the Grand Fiesta in San Pedro.  June 29 is the Feast Day of St. Peter

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Old Timer Or Modern Sanpedrano? Num. 17

By Angel Nuñez YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE AN OLD TIMER SANPEDRANO IFOn July 15, the first day of the lobster season, you went, “Wow! when you learned that one fisherman delivered only fifty

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Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? #16

By Angel Nuñez YOU KNOW YOU ARE AN OLD TIMER SANPEDRANO In the past it used to be said that if you see someone walking barefooted, you could guarantee he was a Sanpedrano.  Well

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Old Timer or Modern Sanpedrano? No. 15

By Angel Nuñez YOU KNOW YOU ARE AN OLD TIMER SANPEDRANO IF:As soon as I say, “Kaliman”, you know what I am referring to.  Everyone used to look forward everyday to tune on your

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