NEMO Poster/Quiz Competition

The National Emergency Management Organization is hereby extending an invitation to all schools in Belize Rural South to participate in our annual NEMO Week. NEMO Week is May 27 – June 1, 2012
All schools throughout the country have been invited to join and participate in a National Poster contest. All posters will be judged in Belmopan for NEMO Week. Also, the San Pedro Town Emergency Committee is cordially inviting all schools in Belize Rural South to participate in a quiz contest. This quiz contest is only for schools in the Belize Rural South. The date set for the quiz contest is May 29, 2012. The questioner and all other details for the quiz contest will be forwarded to all schools no later than Friday, April 27, 2012.
Other activities for NEMO Week is: a special Church service in all denomination, Radio/TV Talk Show, National Poster contest, Quiz contest and an entertainment night on Disaster Preparedness to climax the week in the San Pedro Town Central Park.

Rules/guidelines for the Poster Contest:

The contest is open to students in standard 4 to 6 in all primary schools countrywide.
One winner will be selected from the group. Entries must be submitted through the school’s principal or a class teacher.

Poster Theme/Size Requirements:
*The poster entry should depict the theme “PRESERVING LIFE AND PROPERTY.”
*Entries must be 17 x 22 inches.
*Only one entry per student.
*Posters designs must be original artwork created by the student.
*Copyrighted images or clipart should not be used.
*Posters may be created with a variety of media including watercolors, markers, crayons and/or oil paint.

Submission Instruction: Entries must be submitted via the school along with a completed submission slip

Usage/Rights: All posters submitted for the 2012 NEMO week will become the property of the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) and can be used by the organization as seemed fit.

Timing: Deadline for submission is May 22nd, 2012 and forwarded to NEMO Headquarters, Belmopan. Winners will be announced by May 29th, 2012. Submitting an entry implies you have read and understood these rules and agreed to the terms.

Judging Process: One winner will be selected from all the submissions, second and third place will also be awarded. Judges will include school leaders, educators and artists.

The posters will be judged on the following criteria:

    Expression of the theme
    Creativity and originality
    Visual clarity and appeal – Is the poster easy to read and understand?
    Broad audience appeal and educational value

The winning posters will be used for display during NEMO week at NEMO Headquarters in Belmopan and other displays throughout the year. Winning posters will also be considered for promotional materials. The winner will be announced and recognized on NEMO website.

First Prize: Package value at $700.00
Second prize: Package value at $500.00
Third prize: Package value at $400.00

Contact our district coordinators in your respective districts or at NEMO Headquarters in Belmopan.

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