Humane Dog Eradication to Commence

The San Pedro Town Council and Saga Humane Society just announced that the first roundup of stray dogs is only days away. They are asking dog owners to please keep all pet dogs confined to their property or tethered. Please share this with your friends and neighbors as well. Also leash laws need to be observed.

If a dog is captured it will be held at the Saga compound for three days. Once the pet dog is claimed, fees will be charged for its return. You can reclaim your dog on Tuesdays from 9a.m. to 12p.m. or on Wednesdays from 1p.m. to 5p.m. The fee will be lowered if you agree to spay or neuter your pet.  If unclaimed, the dog will be humanely euthanized through a process approved by the veterinarian at Saga.

Please, if you have a dog and you care about it, keep it safely fenced or tied inside your property. Use a collar and rope of at least 8 feet and give your dog shade and water. Please walk your dog on a leash and clean up after your dog in public spaces. You can make the difference, San Pedro! Let’s have a clean community and happy dogs too!

/s/ SAGA

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