A message from Lilly, Iain and Joana: “My beloved French mother ‘Micheline Nayard’ who was 74 years of age came to Belize in 2006 to live with us when she was diagnosed with cancer. We did all we could for this previously very independent lady; modifying our lives to adapt to this terrible illness. With the help of holistic medicines provided by Mr. Peter Singfield, commonly known as the ‘snake man’ from Corozal, and later a mastectomy (surgical removal of the breast) performed by Dr. Byron Simons in Orange Walk in 2007, her cancer was successfully in remission.
Since that time she has lived peacefully and happily in Belize, Corozal – a country that she loved – among her local neighbors who she appreciated and befriended. This came to a head when a third stroke occurred on the 15th October in Ranchito. We so deeply miss her joie-de-vivre, strength and her belief in the good.”
Rectification to a report made in the news media: My mom’s shopping bags, mobile phone, camera, the dollars in change and all her other belongings were found untouched when the police discovered her body. The pathologist stated that the cause of death for Micheline Nayard was entirely natural. She was much loved by her sole French daughter Laurence, her British son-in-law Iain and granddaughter Joanna, all having happily relocated to Corozal after three years of living on beautiful island of Ambergris Caye.”
We are grateful to the people of Corozal who opened their hearts and stood by our side in our times of grief….Lilly.