Wildlife Conservation Education Workshop Offered for Tour Guides

The focus of the workshop will be wildlife natural history, education, and conservation, with a special emphasis on the species housed at the Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center. The goal of this workshop is to give the guides the opportunity to empower their knowledge base of Belize’s iconic wildlife species, and to gain insight into some of the Zoo’s most important wildlife conservation efforts. As a result, they may provide better naturalist tours for their visitors, and be inspired to help conserve Belize’s natural heritage for future generations.

Course Name:  Wildlife Conservation Education
Audience/Participants:  Licensed tour guides (25 Guides per session)       
Instructor(s): Jamal Andrewin-Bohn
Training Location: The Belize Zoo & Tropical Education Center 
Date/Hours: August 28th, 2015 (9:00 am – 4:30 pm) AND TENTATIVELY September 4th, 2015 – Based on Demand
Pre-requisites: N/A
Cost: $30.00 (Includes Lunch)
Textbook and Course Materials:  N/A
Course Requirements: Laptop, project, animal artifacts, writing materials, classroom space.
Course Structure: Will utilize PowerPoint presentations, videos, group activities, question and answer periods, animal artifacts, and interpretive sessions with zoo education animals. A specialized interpretive tour of The Belize Zoo will complement topics discussed in the classroom.
Course Objectives:               
1. To engage licensed Belizean tour guides in wildlife conservation through educational activities aimed at empowering their knowledge and appreciation of local wildlife species
2. To help dispel myths and/or misinformation about Belizean wildlife, and ensure more accurate and meaningful information is being shared with foreign visitors
3. To re-establish regular and sustainable tour guide workshop sessions offered by The Belize Zoo & Tropical Education Center in collaborating with BTB and other stakeholders.
4. To promote sustainable tourism practices through education and awareness that recognizes tour guides as important stakeholders in conservation.

Call The Belize Zoo at 822-8000 or email education@belizezoo.org with your name and contact information to register.

**Registration fee is $30BZ per participant; lunch included.
** Deadline for Registration: August 21st,2015

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