Dorian’s Angels Support Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Belizean Bombshell, 25 year-old, Cricel Castillo has been making headlines locally and international as she is one of the few Belizean figure competitors. Cricel has made her country proud every single time she competes both locally and internationally. This week Cricel is currently in Columbus, Ohio in the United Stated competing at the famous Arnold Classic Figure Competition.

Cricel took the first place trophy in the Figure Competition at the Diamond Classic, Boca Ranton Florida in April 2013 and is Belize’s Ms. Body Figure 2013. She is a dance and fitness enthusiast and is very motivated and dedicated to figure competition.

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Cricel Castillo

Cricel left Belize on Tuesday, February 25, 2014, along with Rigoberto Vellos to compete at the The Arnold Classic, renamed Arnold Sports Festival. The event is an annual multidisciplinary sports convention named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, focusing mainly on bodybuilding and fitness and figure competition.

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Cricel competed against 177 figure competitors under the Class A Figure category at The Arnold Classic. Competition started off today, Thursday, February 27, 2014, and ends on Sunday, March 2, 2014. Cricel came very close to making it to the finals she placed 11th out of 177! Although she did not place to make it to the finals she sure made us proud and has but Belize on the spotlight being intervied by international media and even getting photography opportunities to be on body building magazines.

Ambergris Today and Dorian’s Angels are very proud of Cricel and all her accomplishments and take this opportunity to congratulate Cricel! GO Cricel you have made us VERY PROUD!!

Follow Cricel on #teamcricel and #thearnoldclassic

Huge Thank You to DigiCell for hooking us up with the Team Cricel t-shirts Cool

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

Dorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold ClassicDorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold ClassicDorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold ClassicDorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold ClassicDorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold ClassicDorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold ClassicDorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold ClassicDorian’s Angels Supports Team Cricel Castillo at The Arnold Classic

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