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San Pedro 1970’s

Look carefully at this Flashback of San Pedro Village in the 1970’s captured by Kay Scott.  There are so many things that come to mind.  Hey look carefully.  Stop reading and look carefully once more.  Alright, now that you have focused, what did you notice?  Did you see that there was a house permanently located in the middle of the street at the very end of Middle Street before it was called Pescador Drove?  A house in the middle of the street?  Actually this was George Kumul’s house on a cul-de-sac or dead end street. The street used to cross straight through the R.C Primary school property long before its fence was erected even though it was not an official street.

What else do you notice?  Indeed there are very few power lines from the poles to the houses, an indication of the small population on the island, perhaps less than a thousand.  What else?  Only one advertising sign at Marino’s Bar. Check the photo again.  There are no cobblestones, but yet there is a very leveled street with no potholes like you find today all over San Pedro. That is because there was little or no traffic.  And the most outstanding observation is that there is absolutely no vehicle parked on Pescador Drive from Martha’s Ice all the way up to the primary school fence. What a drastic metamorphosis San Pedro has gone through!

Ambergris Caye, San Pedro Streets - Pescador Drive

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