The Looks of a Small Fishing Village

This Flashback clearly shows the elements of a fishing village versus a tourism destination. The seaweed along the beach indicates that there was no daily raking to impress our visiting tourists.  The short small piers were sites for fishermen to clean their produce and embark into their fishing vessels.  The small red skiff was used by skin divers who went to various spots along the reef skin diving for lobster or to spear for fish for fillet. The small dory was used by those who went diving for conch as well as by fishermen who went by boat down south in their fishing expeditions.  And do notice the many fishing boats anchored offshore, which took teams of five to hunt for lobster at Turneffe, Glover’s Reef, Half Moon Caye, The Blue Hole and other fishing destinations down south during the height of our fishing industry. No tourism so there was no Spindrift Building, no Tackle Box or all those fine dive shops on the piers along our beaches. It was the picture of a laid back fishing village in the 1970’s.

San Pedro Beach -Facing Estel's, Spindrift Hotel, Tackle Box and Holiday Hotel

San Pedro Beach Today

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