San Pedro's Warm Hospitality Hasn't Changed Over The Years!

If you were hosting some friends today, you would probably take them diving or snorkeling at Hol Chan and then take them out to dine at one of the most popular restaurants in town. Not so in the past as you can appreciate in this flashback.  Sanpedranos would take them out to the beach, pull down some coconuts and enjoy the mixed drinks or cocktails.

What is interesting here are the party boys, the teenagers of the 1960’s and perhaps of the 1940’s too. Let’s move from left to right to meet Guillermo Mito Nuñez (+), Abel Sansorez (guest), Emeterio Sansorez Sr.(+), Alfredo Alamilla (+), Flavio Vasquez (+), Agusto “Cucho” Acosta(+), Jeminiano “Jemi”Aguilar (+), Jaime Paz Sr. (+), and Florentino “Colas” Sansorez.  Standing up are some Mexican guests, Anastacio “Tacio” Sansorez and Omar Sansorez visiting San Pedro and Alfredo “Fedo” Alamilla(+).  The hospitality of San Pedro has not changed for sure!

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