Signing of San Pedro Township Declaration

The groundwork and lobbying for Township had taken place and November 27, 1984 had arrived. Several government ministers, Dame Minita Gordon, Governor General of Belize, and our Area Representative, Hon. Louis Sylvestre were all in San Pedro for the signing of the declaration.

Almost the entire population of the village had gathered to witness the historical event and the memorable moment. Now present on stage were the seven men that comprised the village council, Miss San Pedro Olguita Bardalez, the ministers of government and our Governor General.

George Price in his usual humble mannerism chose not to be here but sent his congratulatory message with Honorable Sylvestre. All of this was impressive but did not match that precise moment, at nine p.m. to be exact, when Emcee Angel Nuñez, called Honorable Louis Sylvestre and Gilberto Chico Gomez to the forefront to sign the document.  It was a moment of silence, solemn, almost religious when Sylvestre, with the stroke of his pen placed his signature making San Pedro a town and Chico Gomez immediately transformed from the village chairman to the San Pedro’s first appointed mayor.  And then an outburst of cheering, merrymaking and ecstasy that no fireworks could ever match. It was a moment of goose bumps for most Sanpedranos.

Signing of San Pedro Township Declaration

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