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Representative or Dictator?

On Mr. Heredia’s political propaganda that he called Christmas message he made mention of his project of a Board walkway at the back of the football field and the improving of the field. This project will be costing millions but nobody wants it.

The improving of the Saca Chispas field is welcomed to be done where it is but the removing of all the fisherman’s piers and all what is left of what San Pedro looked like as a fishing village is not wanted by anybody. We would be losing all what is left of our old San Pedro. The dredging will chase the tarpons somewhere else to feed and live. There are so many areas that those millions can be used to improve the standard of living of the residents like the streets of DFC area San Pedrito, San Juan and most of all the San Mateo Area.

He has proven his heavy hand of power before when the Department of the Environment stopped a project that had not complied with the E.I.A. He said that the department acted to in a hurry and gave the OK to continue disregarding the authority of the department. Again with the blocked canal by the Airstrip nothing happened. People continue to break the laws and not being punished because of his intervention.

It is time that we the residents of San Pedro should get together and tell Mr. Heredia that that project of the walkway is not wanted and that we will not allow him to go through with it. To remind him that the people put him there and the people will remove him due to his arrogance and dictatorship he has been showing. Let us all unite for the welfare of San Pedro.
Thank you
Baldemar Graniel

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