The Big Stink

To Whom It May Concern:
As a member of this community, I am concerned about an issue that is occurring on our island. I may not live in the area where this problem exists, however; I occasionally pass the area when I go south of San Pedro.  An individual cannot even enjoy the smell of the Caribbean Sea breeze because in no time the person will inhale the most terrible smell of an outhouse. It is unbelievable how no one seems to be complaining about it.  I decided to write about this major issue after I experienced an embarrassing situation with friends who recently visited and were staying in this area. As we drove by during their visit to la Isla Bonita, we were struck by the horrific smell, and I had no choice but to explain the circumstances, with no proper reasoning why the members of the community and visitors have to endure this stench on a daily basis.  

It is a fact that whenever the residents or tourists pass by the intersection of the Fuel Service Station located near the San Pablo Area, they have to inhale the awful smell that is emitted from the sewer. This is an issue that occurs 24 hours and can be confirmed by anyone in the community living in the area or who traffics through the area at any point during their day.

Residents in the area should be upset about it because it is not only a current problem, but can potentially cause negative effects to their health in the future. Residents and hoteliers who are experiencing this smell should write to the town’s mayor to see if she can get BWS to do something about it. Officials need to realize how many people are subjected to it. I cannot lodge any formal complaints with the mayor or BWS because I am not sure if I am in the position to complain since I do not reside in that area where the problem is occurring.  

The Mayor should be concerned about the island and look into this critical issue since most of San Pedro’s revenue is generated from the tourism industry. I believe that fixing toxic ordeals should take top priority.  Beautification projects should be undertaken only after those issues are resolved.

A possible solution to the problem is to implement a tall stalk and create a better system to eradicate the stench.  
Thank you for your prompt attention and I hope a positive action will be taken to solve the issue.

Signed: UB Public Administration and Policy Student       


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