San Pedro Needs More Consideration for Bicycle Tourists

Dear Editor,
We love to bicycle ride while on vacation. This is the reason we only book vacation on low traffic vacation destinations and preferable on island’s with predominantly golf carts.

We thought that your island’s traffic made bicycle riding unpleasant and even dangerous at times. 
You have too many cars, too much speeding causing too much dust, danger and health concerns. Neither bike riders nor tourists on a golf cart want to inhale dust while driving to town or inhale vehicle exhaust in San Pedro’s caravan traffic.

From a tourist point of view, the traffic on the island needs containment and speed regulations. International guests will not accept such speeding and high traffic during their vacation. Tourists need to relax and re-charge while vacationing and not fight with traffic.

Everyone on the island but especially the hotel industry should have an interest in safe traffic to ensure tourist satisfaction.

Jack & Rita Pyne
Longmont, CO, USA

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