Miss San Pedro High Contestants

The San Pedro High School would like to invite and welcome all to this year’s Miss S.P.H.S Pageant to be held on Saturday, April 17, 2010. There are seven young ladies vying for the title of Miss SPHS. They are Xenika Armstrong, Porsha Belisle, Jaleni Lawrence, Miriam Palacio, Trisha Acosta, Briceydi Venagas and Fatima Graniel.

These seven young ladies will be delighting the crowd in dance presentations, cultural presentations, sport wear, talent competition and formal dress wear. So mark your calendars and be prepared for a night full of pageantry and great entertainment.

Come and witness outgoing Miss SPHS – Yanira Lara crown the new Miss SPHS. There will be lots to eat and drink. Miss SPHS 2010 on Saturday, April 17 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rafael Angel Nuñez Auditorium.

Miss San Pedro High Contestants

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