Boat Sinks at Hol Chan Marine Reserve

Reports reached our office on Monday, May 10, about a boat that had sunk at the Hol Chan Marine Reserve. Upon making checks with both the Hol Chan Marine Reserve Office and the San Pedro Police Station, we were confirmed that a boat had run aground the reef.

According to the police report, at about 9:00 a.m. police was conducting sea patrols at the Hol Chan Marine Reserve along with a Fisheries Department officer, a blue boat with the name Bottom Time 1 was seen experiencing difficulties. Further checks were made and it was observed that the boat was sinking and crew members needed help.

With the sea being choppy and boat experiencing difficulties, the boat ran aground a shallow section of the reef and sank; as a result the Coast Guard Vessel was contacted where all nine tourist passenger, including the tour guide and captain were rescued. No one was injured.

The incident is being investigated by The Belize Port Authority, The Department of Environment and The Hol Chan Marine Reserve Office. Information will be posted on a later issue of the Ambergris Today as it becomes available.

Boat Sinks at Hol Chan Marine Reserve

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