Town Council's Vision and Mission for the Town

It was a historic and memorable event on Thursday, May 20 for the San Pedro Town Council as after much hard work and dedication in designing and planning the vision and mission for a better San Pedro by Mayor Paz and her team they were officially unveiled and mounted on the wall of the San Pedro Town Council office.

Mayor Elsa Paz read the vision and mission of the Town Council to those present after which she mounted it to the wall where it would be visible for all to see. Mrs. Patricia Tillett, Town Administrator, then unveiled the official chain of command at the San Pedro Town Council and a 16-point Code of Ethics, one which is adopted in all Town and City Councils in Belize, and is based on Accountability, Transparency and Integrity.

The World Bank is working with all municipalities in the country in developing excellent skills in customer service and management skills to build a great work culture par to no others in the world so that all town/city councils work in an efficient manner and gain the public’s trust.

The Vision, Mission and Code of ethics will form an orientation to all those for whom it applies to. The Code of Ethics is a commitment to all staff members who should abide by them, new or old employees, and it will be the Mayor’s responsibility to ensure that everyone abides by it.

Mayor Paz along with other staff members that worked in preparing the mission, vision and code of ethics were presented with certificates during the event. Guest speaker for the evening was Mr. Celso Carcamo of the Local Government Department. The lovely host was Mrs. Elizabeth Garcia. These plaques with the Vision, Mission and Code of Ethics are on display at the San Pedro Town Council and anyone wishing to read them can visit the office of the SPTC.

The Vision – To achieve autonomy and provide improvement in the quality of life of all the residents of San Pedro Town by promoting sustainable growth and development and protecting our Tourism Industry.

Mission – The San Pedro Town Council will work under the principles of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness and honesty in order to obtain the necessary infrastructure, establish systems, to promote the growth of the Tourism Industry in Belize and the San Pedro Community. All services provided, will aim to improve the quality of life of the residents of San Pedro Town, without prejudice to Gender, Ethnicity, Religious, or Political Party affiliation.

Town Council's Vision and Mission for the TownTown Council's Vision and Mission for the TownTown Council's Vision and Mission for the TownTown Council's Vision and Mission for the TownTown Council's Vision and Mission for the TownTown Council's Vision and Mission for the Town

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