Poly Clinic in Danger of Shutdown

$40,000 Needed for Roof Repairs! The San Pedro Poly Clinic’s roof is in dire need of repairs and the general public is being asked for monetary assistance to fix the roof top. On Thursday, August 26, a meeting was held at the San Pedro Polyclinic II and present were Ms. Melinda Guerra, Regional Manager of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Omar Mitchell, Engineer, Mr. Baldemar Graniel representing the Lions Club, Dr. Javier Zuniga and Dr. Otto Rodriguez. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a report that was submitted by Mr. Mitchell regarding the integrity of the roof of the poly clinic structure.

The report stated that the roof structure is leaking and must be cleaned, repaired and sealed soon in order to prevent further damage. Water damage is not the only threat, if the leaks continue there will be risk of dangerous mold growth which could cause the Poly Clinic to be closed down. The cost of the repairs which will be a permanent solution (not a stop gap measure) is approximately $40,000.00Bze. This figure includes the cost of materials, importation costs and stamp duties, labor, supervision by a qualified and experienced engineer and includes a buffer for unexpected costs.

The figure does not include the cost to ferry the engineer back and forth from the city to the island via plane (due to his other commitments and time constraints), nor does it include the cost of accommodation for the nights that the engineer may be required to spend on the island.

The government Ministry of Health via the NHI is able to pledge 20% of the amount –which is $8,000.00 Bze. Therefore the goal has been to raise the additional $32,000.00. Benny’s Home Center has pledged a discount which has brought the cost of material down by 25%.

The Friends of San Pedro has pledged over $1,000 to date. The Sunbreeze Hotel and Sunbreeze Suites have made a cash donation. Pedro’s Inn, Caribbean Villas and Maya Rental House have all pledged a place for the supervisor to stay.

An appeal is being made to the San Pedro Business Association members, the San Pedro Town Council and the Belize Tourist Board. Ms Guerra shall be looking into the possibility of tax exemptions for the goods that will be imported. Some of the specialized materials must be imported from Canada which takes approximately three weeks.

An engineer’s inspection has also revealed that the concrete structure, columns and beams are unable to withstand any additional weight which means that the poly clinic structure will not be expanded upon in the future.

On the bright side Mukul and Kelly Kanabar of Blue Water Grill, Caliente and Red Ginger restaurants have generously offered to assist in the fund raising efforts by making the following pledge: They will MATCH every dollar that local businesses, groups and individuals donate towards this fund.

The San Pedro Business Association is collecting all monies and if the goal is not attained all funds will be returned. The donations can be made by emailing the San Pedro Business Association at: info@sanpedrobusiness.com No pledge is too small and with Mukul and Kelly’s offer to match donations whatever you can afford will be doubled!

Please help repair and maintain the Poly Clinic. This is a crucial element of our emergency response ability in this town. The clinic currently operates 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday with a doctor on call 24/7 for emergencies during the hours that the clinic is closed.

Roof at Poly ClinicRoof at Poly ClinicCeiling at Poly Clinic

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