Bats for Belize Delivers Supplies

Ambergris Today Newspaper published an article titled Bats for Belize on Thursday, November 8, 2007, Vol. 9 No. 43, where the article talked about the Basher Family from St. Charles, Missouri organized a fundraiser event in order to buy sports equipment for Belize. This past Sunday, December 30, the Basher family was at the Softball finals where they made their donation.

The Basher family was at the Old Football Field on Sunday and two of their children partook in the Final game as umpires. After the game, they officially presented Six bags of softball equipment to Elito Arceo for the children to form a Little League.

The children present at the field were excited as they were given new softball bats, softballs, softball mitts, Catchers chest protection, Pads & Guards, and helmets to play a friendly game.

Back home the family organized a fundraiser which they called Bats & Balls for Belize which was held on Sunday, October 28, at Lutheran High School-St. Charles, Missouri. The entire family hosted the event and managed to raise $1,000US in a walk-a-ton. Their youngest child, Sidney (8 yrs old) managed to walk 20 laps around the school’s track which is equivalent to five miles; their son walked 3.5. This only goes to show the determination of the entire family to help the children of San Pedro.

It is a wonderful gift that the Brasher family donated to the children of San Pedro who are interested in participating in the softball league. The items in the kit donated will benefit as many San Pedro kids as possible for now and future years to come. This donation was possible thanks to the San Pedro Business Association.

Captain G’s Win Softball Tourney

The Softball tournament came to an end on Sunday, December 30, with team Captain G’s emerging the winners of the tournament for the second consecutive year.

Captain G’s faced off with Reef Radio, who were no match for the undefeated team and the game ended with the final score being 9 to 3. Captain G’s received their coveted trophy for the second year and celebrated along with their team mates and their opposing team as well. Congratulations to Captain G’s!

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