Delsie Graniel Crowned Lions Queen 2006

The San Pedro Lions Club officially crowned Miss Delsie Graniel as their new club queen for 2006 this past Saturday, April 1. Delsie Graniel was asked by the Lions Club to represent them throughout the year’s activities and events both locally and abroad.

Delsie Graniel is an 18 year old student at San Pedro Junior College and a graduate of San Pedro High School. “My sister Debbie Graniel was a past Lions queen and she was my inspiration and encouragement to accept the honor,” Delsie told Ambergris Today Newspaper. “I am very honored and proud of this opportunity and I promise that I will represent the Lions Club of San Pedro to the best of my ability.”

Two of the biggest events that Delsie will participate in this year is the National Lions Convention which will be held in San Pedro on April 28 – 30 and the Isthmania Convention held in Costa Rica this coming May.

Photo Caption:
Delsie Graniel crowned the new Miss Lions Queen.

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