Gach Guerrero is Person of the Year

It is a distinct honor and pleasure for Ambergris Today to announce the 2008 Person of The Year, Gaspar “Gach” Guerrero. Ambergris Today’s profile of a winner is one who most affected the news in a positive manner and touched the lives of all residents in San Pedro. Gach embodies all the qualities one would hope for in a son, friend, businessman, citizen and community activist. Let us meet our Awardee who follows the honors bestowed in past years to The Morning Show Crew at Reef Radio, Ramon Nuñez in tourism, Milo Paz in community service, Elito Arceo for sports/service, and Angel Nuñez in education and community service.

Knowing Gach, he will not take this title as an honor but as a responsibility. He will humbly accept it and try fervently to live up to the responsibility of his past accomplishments. Humility is the most outstanding quality in our celebrated Person of the Year 2008. Even though passionate and ardent in everything he does, Gach does not show it because he loves to work quietly but diligently behind the scenes.

Classmates who have known Gach from high school days have assured us that Gach has always been a subtle leader, a discreet class president, an avid fundraising organizer, graduation and Parent’s Night promoter, and the big wig leader in reuniting his classmates for their 25th high school anniversary reunion. Gach loves to work behind the scenes so that others would enjoy. Modesty is the adjective that best describes this man and when combined with humility, one could be led to believe that he does little when indeed he is a giant and touches the lives of everyone in a most positive manner.

Gach has participated in community affairs on a voluntary basis too many to list all but most prominent are Esmeralda Park Committee, Street Naming committee, The Belize Hotel Association, The Belize Tourism Industry, and more. Recently he was a key player in the committee of SPHS Alumni responsible for the building of the Angel Nuñez Auditorium. Gach unselfishly rallied the support of the old student body, classmates, and the community to provide for the new generation of youths what he could not enjoy in his days. Again, all of this work he does behind the scenes.

Also Gach was recently appointed chairman of the The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) with the obvious idea that he would use all his past experience, vision and passion to contribute to the healthy development of tourism in Belize. In this capacity Gach is contributing tremendously to the good of Ambergris Caye and San Pedro that depends so much on tourism.

As chairman of the San Pedro International Costa Maya Festival, Gach has worked tirelessly, with much pride and gusto, and voluntarily to bring a week of fine entertainment for San Pedro. The festival serves to showcase Belize, its people and culture to other Latin American countries and to bring business to the Island during the slow tourism season. The month of August is slowly becoming a part of the high season due to Gach (& his committee) and the impact of the Costa Maya Festival, thus impacting the lives of everyone in San Pedro.

Gach is a soft spoken person filled with enthusiasm and self confidence. One would believe he never gets angry, but all who know him well also know that he can be very firm and fight for his rights without losing his good disposition and coolness. When it comes to defending the rights of San Pedro or something he truly believes in, Gach will defend it with tooth and nail, with honor and dignity. No wonder Gach has just been honored as Employee of the Year by Maya Airways which he has managed diligently for many years.

And thus we salute Gaspar “Gach” Guerrero and congratulate him for his exemplary contributions as a Sanpedrano. On behalf of this Isla Bonita Community, Ambergris Today declares Gach The Person of the Year 2008.

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