*Elsa Paz for UDP 7
UDP Mayoral Candidate Talks about her Party’s Strong & United Team
Elsa PazAmbergris Today: What do you have to offer to the people of San Pedro? Mayoress Elsa Paz: We accomplished a lot during three years, but I have much more to offer. In 3 years more, I can do much more for San Pedro because we have a lot more projects that are pending, such as the Central Park renovations, completion of the cobblestone street project, and the refurbishing of parks at Boca del Rio and San Pedrito area of town. We also plan to involve our youths in many sports programs and build a multi-sports complex for the island.
Ambergris Today: What do you consider are the most important issues facing the immediate future of the island’s development? Mayoress Elsa Paz: Taking care of the street problems by completing the cobblestone project in the San Pedro town core. We will also put more effort in building a multi-sports complex for the island because we believe that sports play an important role in the healthy development of the youths. The complex could also serve the purpose of a Civic Center.
Ambergris Today: If you win the Mayoral election, what is the first goal in your agenda that you will actively pursue to accomplish? Mayoress Elsa Paz: Again, that will have to be the cobblestone street project. We will complete works in the whole town core area, including Barrier Reef Drive, Caribeña Street, Tarpon Street, Black Coral Street, Buccaneer Street, Angel Coral joining with Almont Street, in fact, the whole town core area of San Pedro.
Ambergris Today: Your administration has been accused of rewarding its officials, both you and your fellow councilors, with 10 acres of land each and substantial Christmas bonuses. Is it true that you and your fellow councilors got 10 acres of land and $1,800.00 each as a Christmas bonus? Mayoress Elsa Paz: No, it is not true. We do not have any land. The Christmas bonus is given to employees and Town Councilors, and it has been a practice for very long. The past administration got big gratuities after they completed their term.
Ambergris Today: During the previous PUP administration, the UDP Party opposed the construction of a bridge over the Boca del Rio area. Now, under your UDP administration, you have built a bridge over the Boca del Rio area. Why the change in policy? If the need arises, will you support the building of a proper road north of Boca del Rio? Mayoress Elsa Paz: At the beginning, just after the elections, we did not like the idea of building a bridge because we had bigger priorities to take care of in town. But then we saw that there was a great demand for a bridge at Boca del Rio, and it was the right thing to do at the right time. As for your second question, at the moment, the road is not necessary, but we cannot stop development and its time will eventually come also. At the moment, only golf cars will pay a fee to cross the bridge.
Ambergris Today: Are you planning in completing the street cobblestone project for San Pedro Town? How will the funding be obtained? Mayoress Elsa Paz: Yes, like I’ve said before. The funding will come the same way in which we obtained it for the Pescador Drive portion- through taxpayer revenue from the Town Council, business donations, and lobbying Central Government for funds. To cobblestone the entire town core area of San Pedro will take approximately $1.6 million dollars.
Ambergris Today: Can you list your accomplishments during your three years in office? Mayoress Elsa Paz: The list is long, but these are some of them: the rehabilitation project for Pescador Drive was completed; assisted San Mateo with electricity and water; built Boca del Rio Bridge; help in education by building classrooms; placed garbage bins around town; promoted San Pedro tourism; opened new Ambergris Caye Tourism Information Center; refurbished 5-a-side sports complex; renovated Town Council offices; opened 2 new roads at San Juan and near Varela’s Construction; and supported many town events, including a fishing tournament, amongst many other things.
Ambergris Today: Politicians are known to promise many things, but what do you see as San Pedro’s most urgent needs? Mayoress Elsa Paz: We need to fix the streets, renovate Central Park, and effectively continue to combat the criminal elements on the island.
Ambergris Today: A good town council can only be so if there is good administration. Describe to me what a good administration is. Mayoress Elsa Paz: To have a great administration, you need to have accountability and transparency.
Ambergris Today: Are you satisfied with all you have accomplished with $9 million in Town Council revenues in 3 years? Mayoress Elsa Paz: I still believe there’s much more to be accomplished, and we are always striving to do much better.
Ambergris Today: What good things can you say about the party you represent, the UDP? Mayoress Elsa Paz: I believe that our UDP Town Council is a strong and united team, and for the first time, we have an Area Representative who is working hard, hand-in-hand with the Town Council. Our team has the same ideas and same visions for our community, and we are young, energetic people who are willing to work hard for the community and for San Pedro to prosper.
*Alberto Nunez for PUP 7
PUP Mayoral Candidate Says his Experience is his Strong Point
Albert NunezAmbergris Today: If you are elected Mayor, what do you have to offer to the people of San Pedro? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: If elected Mayor, I have a lot of experience to offer, which I got from serving in previous administrations and many years involved serving this community. I will also serve as a great medium of communication between the Town Council and Central Government. Above all, I will bring to the office of the Town Council a lot of willpower and desire to work hard for the people of San Pedro.
Ambergris Today: What do you consider are the most important issues facing the immediate future of the island’s development? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: One of the most urgent needs for San Pedro is the completion of the street cobblestoning project. Other important issues are the effective combating of crime on the island, proper and efficient garbage disposal, and getting government support for the construction of more classrooms or additional schools in San Pedro and its surrounding areas.
Ambergris Today: If you win the Mayoral election, what is the first goal in your agenda that you will actively pursue to accomplish? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: Actually it’s more like two immediate goals. One of them is to cobblestone the streets and get them ready for use before the rainy season sets in on us, and the other goal is to attack and constantly work towards combating crime on the island.
Ambergris Today: How will you go about obtaining funding for the street cobblestone project? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: The funding will come through various sources, including Government, the municipality, and organizations which are willing to work for the community in helping us accomplish our goals for the streets.
Ambergris Today: Your administration has been accused of not working successfully with your own PUP Area Representative and Government. Were there any problems between the PUP Town Council and other PUP officials while you were Mayor? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: Those accusations are simply not true. Our administration got a lot of assistance from Central Government when I was Mayor and working together we accomplished a lot for the town. We started the street cobblestone project, but since we lost the election, I feel this project along with others actually got set back 2 years.
Ambergris Today: Can you list your accomplishments during your past term in office? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: We commenced the street cobblestone project for San Pedro in several areas of town, including parts of Coconut Drive, from Tropic Air to Island Supermarket and also Pelican and Ambergris Streets. We also built several seawalls in many places, including Sunset Boulevard, behind BEL, near the Compadres area at Boca del Rio and also at Boca Ciega. We also did massive reclamation of beaches and even had new beaches done for the enjoyment and recreation of our people. I can also say we did not have runaway spending of the Town Council’s monies during my administration.
Ambergris Today: Are you satisfied that the $9 million obtained in municipal revenues during your three years in office were well spent or would you have done it differently? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: I believe there was good transparency during my administration and that the monies we collected during my term were properly spent. Before leaving office, our administration prepared and released a detailed account of how the Town Council’s monies were spent, which demonstrated our confidence in this matter. Of course, there’s always room for improvement and I’m always looking forward to improve the performance of the Town Council.
Ambergris Today: A good Town Council can only be so if there is good administration. Describe to me what a good administration is. Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: A good administration is one that does not spend outrageously. The Town Council can only spend what it collects in revenue, and when it does so, it needs to maintain the public properly informed of these matters. Transparency is another ingredient in having a good administration.
Ambergris Today: Both PUP’s and UDP’s did not like Leo Cuellar in your administration. Will you hire him back if you win? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: I don’t think we need Mr. Cuellar’s expertise now. The reason Mr. Cuellar was hired during my administration is because the Town Council was owed a lot of property taxes, which were successfully collected. This is not the case now.
Ambergris Today: If the need calls for it, will you support the development of a proper road north of Boca del Rio? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: If the need arises, yes, but before the planning and works take place, an official Government survey has to be conducted in order to start on such a project. It’s time will come.
Ambergris Today: What good things can you say about the party you represent, the PUP? Mayoral Candidate Alberto Nuñez: In terms of government projects being carried out on the island, 95% of these have been started and completed by the People’s United Party (PUP) throughout the years. The PUP party is one that works together for the betterment of Belize and our community, and this March, I urge all voters to get onboard and sail with the PUP 7. The party defines success and accomplishments for San Pedro.