PUP Standard Bearer, Mel Spain is on a roll, helping out the residents of San Pedro, La Isla Bonita, either by giving donations to the BDF, repairing the streets or giving away toys to the children. She is making a huge impact in the eyes of island residents in a positive way.
This week was no different. Mel Spain and her group of workers were out distributing paint to several residents in different areas of the island. Over 200 buckets of paint were distributed in the San Mateo Area, San Pedrito Area, D.F.C Area and San Juan Area.
Mrs. Mel Spain has the island residents at heart and is always looking for ways in which she can help out. Kudos, to Mel Spain for having a big heart and helping out the people of San Pedro! “And this is just the beginning,” Mel told Ambergris Today. “Wait until I am in government and you’ll see how much more I can do for you.”