Paved Streets

Ambergris Today broke out the first rumors a couple weeks ago that the Government of Belize (GOB) gave positive vibes to the letter presented by the Business Community for the improvements of streets and roads on Ambergris Caye.

We learned that the letter was taken to Cabinet by Prime Minister Musa, an indication that the matter was being given official attention. And this week our rumors were confirmed to this newspaper by an excited Elito Arceo who informed that he and the other members of the Business Community, including PUP Standard Bearer Mel Spain and other party officials, were summoned to a meeting by special envoy to the Prime Minister, Hon. Godfrey Smith, who is Minister of Tourism.

Minister Godfrey informed the Special Interest Committee (SIC) that Prime Minister Musa has agreed that the street conditions are deplorable and that something must be done to improve them. In a letter to SIC the Prime Minister makes a commitment to take on the improvement of the streets either by laying down of asphalt or concrete. It was learned that already a team of experts is making the necessary survey and assessment. Soon there will be contractual bids and the winner of the bid will have the responsibility to pave the road from town core all the way to Victoria House.

Some discussions at the meeting included the alternative of concrete instead of asphalt. There is a possibility that a sidewalk will be built and the drains concealed under the sidewalk. Another possibility entertained at the meeting was the placing of a center line on the road with palm trees, which would divide traffic into two lanes.

These are only the preliminary plans, and there will be enough public consultation to give the citizenry an opportunity to suggest plans for this important project. This meeting is scheduled to be held on January 17, the venue is yet to be decided.

The important thing is that the request by SIC has fallen in good ears and good hands and with the Minister of Tourism fully behind the project, the ball has started rolling and it is quite evident that very soon, San Pedro will enjoy better streets and road for that matter. Minister Godfrey Smith is enthusiastic with the team’s avid participation and happy for San Pedro. Elito Arceo, spokesperson for SIC is also highly enthusiastic and optimistic of the project and has sent San Pedro’s special thanks to the Prime Minister. Ambergris Today, the official newspaper for the street improvement project, will pursue this matter with avid interest. Already our online bi-weekly poll shows that 82 percent of respondents agree that the streets should be paved with only a small 18 percent disagreeing. So for right now we shall keep the communication going and keep our reading public abreast with the latest developments. If you have any suggestions pertinent to the matter, you may attend the meeting in the next couple of weeks or kindly submit them to us and we shall get it in the hands of the relevant authorities and give it the attention it deserves. Congratulations to SIC for a good start and thumbs to the Government of Belize for a quick and positive response.

Submission of artist rendition of paved street design (not actual plan)

Office of the Prime Minister, Belmopan, Belize
January 2, 2007
The San Pedro Business Community

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