SPTC Donations for EducationSPTC Donations for EducationSPTC Donations for Education

Her worship Mayor Elsa Paz has made several donations towards education for the young people of our community. A total of $7,600 has been paid to the San Pedro High School towards school tuition and fees for a year for nine students who were in need of financial aid. The Town Council also contributed $500 towards expenses for the male and female basketball team of San Pedro High to travel to the National Basketball Competition.

Isla Bonita Elementary School received $3,450 dollars for two student scholarships and St. Peters College has received $1,950 towards an entire year of school fees for three students. Mayor Elsa Paz has secured these funds through the kind donations of different businesses and investors. Mayor Paz extends her most sincere thanks to the donors that helped with these donations.

Santa Paz

Mayor Elsa Paz and Santa Claus set to gift-giving this week, as members of the San Pedro Town Council were distributing gifts to all the schools in San Pedro. Over 2,000 gifts were giving to schoolchildren from pre-school up to Std. 4. This will replace the Town Council’s yearly gift-give-away done to the masses at Central Park.

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