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Town Council Works Hard to get Streets Graded!

Press Release – San Pedro Town Council – February 14th, 2006 – Much has been said about the streets lately – that the Town Council has no interest in up keeping the streets. The truth of the matter is far from true.

Unfortunately, at the end of December of last year, the town’s grader malfunctioned. After immediately going to work on it, it was discover that the transmission needed to be changed. Calls were made and at long last, with the help of concerned citizens, the transmission arrived all the way from the USA. Once here, the trouble to install commenced.

Knowing the importance of up keeping the streets the Council spared no time and contacted the Ministry of Works (twice) with the hopes of getting a temporary grader on the island while the town’s one was at the mechanic. Not surprising, the Ministry was unable to produce and informed the Council that a grader would be available in the next three weeks (just after elections).

Listening to the concerns of the community, the Council had no option but to make an extra expense and rented a grader from Shipyard to grade the streets. As of last week the grader has been working, much to the delight of all. The town’s grader is still at the mechanic and hopefully will be up and running very soon.

Through this medium the San Pedro Town Council thanks the community of San Pedro for their patience and understanding while we underwent this crisis. The Council is committed to serving ALL the residents of San Pedro as they deserve.

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