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Youth Cadets Clean Up San Pedrito Area

The San Pedro Police Youth Cadet Corps held a work-a-ton this past Saturday, January 14, 2006, in which they cleaned up the streets and surroundings at the San Pedrito Area. Fifteen boys and girls of the youth cadet corps collected trash and cleaned up the San Pedrito Area and made it more presentable and clean for the residents. Officer in charge of the cadet corps, P.C. Phillips commented that the work-a-ton was a project to instill a sense of community pride within his cadets.

CleanupThe children had a wonderful time and did not consider the project as work as they have lots of fun interacting with each other and learning from the experience, plus they had delicious snack which they enjoyed at the end.

The Youth Cadet Corps provides its members with discipline, is an outlet for them to become more productive citizens and keeps them off the streets, consequently keeping them out of trouble. Activities held by the group do not only include work but also fun and entertaining activities including sporting events and participating in town celebrations. An upcoming event will be a campfire held on the beach on February.


The work-a-ton was made possible with the assistance of volunteers and donations by Andre Perez (cookies), Mrs. Diana Nuñez (sandwiches) and Javier Williams (soft drinks). The cadet corps will hold a Bar-B-Que sale this Saturday, January 21, at the Police Station, so please help them out on their fundraising efforts. Parents who would like to enroll their children into the San Pedro Police Youth Cadet Corps can contact P.C. Phillips at 602-6586 or P.C. Mccolloch at 662-5846.

Photo Caption:
San Pedro Police Youth Cadet Corps headed to San Pedrito Area to clean the streets and surrounding neighborhoods.

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