BTB Announces New Industry Appointments

BTB Announces New Industry Appointments 1The Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture and the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) proudly wishes to inform the general public of several new tourism industry appointments, of which key dignitaries will assume office on January 1, 2011.  Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture Michael Singh leaves to take on a new role at BELTRAIDE in the New Year.  Former Chairman and Southern Representative on the Board, Lindsay Garbutt, now takes on the post Chief Executive Officer within the Ministry. Mr. Garbutt brings over ten years of experience working with NGO and Southern community groups on sustainability and other tourism related issues.

Taking on the role left vacant by Mr. Garbutt’s departure as Chairman is Mrs. Mariam Roberson, Managing Director and Owner of San Ignacio Hotel in the Cayo District. “Mrs. Roberson, with boundless energy and enthusiasm, has served with grace and distinction as a Board Member since her appointment in 2008,” says Minister Heredia. She has also served on the boards of the Belize Tourism Industry Association (BTIA) and the Belize Hotel Association (BHA) as well as the Steering Committee for the GEF Small Grants program in Belize.

Mariam RobersonThe latest addition to the Board, filling the now vacant post of Southern Representative, is Mr. Bryan Young. “His love for the sea has translated into significant contributions to the development of tourism and conservation in southern Belize for more than a decade,” said the Minister. Mr. Young, who has worked in the Tourism Industry for most of his life, is one of Belize’s top Dive Masters operating from Sea Horse Dive Shop in Placencia.

Seleni Matus continues her work as Director of the Belize Tourism Board, however the Executive Management Team of the BTB, after several months of careful planning and deliberation now includes: Laura Esquivel-Frampton, Director of Quality Assurance; Shakira Tsai, Registrar of Hotels and Director of Revenue Collection, Yanick Dalhouse, Director of Marketing and Industry Relations; Lloyd Enriquez, Director of Destination Planning and Orlando Azueta, Director of Finance and Administration.
On hand for the Press Conference were the other members of the Board of Directors, staff members of the Ministry and the BTB as well as other Private Sector stakeholders. “This is indeed a very exciting time in tourism for Belize, said Tourism Director, Seleni Matus. “We look forward to continued work with Mr. Singh in his new capacity at BELTRAIDE and we also look forward to working with our newest appointees to diligently continue working towards achieving our carefully planned objectives.”

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