Thick Fog Halts Air and Maritime Traffic

Morning fog in the Northern part of the country has halted public transportation for both air and maritime businesses. As of 9:30a.m. today, Monday, January 17, 2011, airplanes from San Pedro, Belize City and Corozal have been grounded due to a thick fog that has blanketed the area.

Tropic Air has confirmed that none of their morning scheduled flights have been able to depart to Belize City, Corozal or Belmopan in the Cayo District, although the fog has started to clear in Belmopan. Flights to the southern part of the country are running as scheduled.

Reports from passengers aboard the Thunderbolt water taxi coming in from Corozal told Ambergris Today that travel was at a standstill at one point during their trip to San Pedro. The fog cleared up a bit out at sea, but as the water taxi approached Ambergris Caye the fog thickened. This has delayed Thunderbolt for almost an hour as it is just making its way into the San Pedro lagoon close to 10a.m.

Other reports are that fishermen and tour guides are also having a hard time at sea. One fisherman almost ran into the reef, with visibility being only a few feet away. The fog is showing signs of lifting here in San Pedro and things are expected to get back to normal soon.

Thick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime TrafficThick Fog Halts Air and Maritime Traffic

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