SAGA Fundraiser with Charlotte Hansen a Huge Success

On Saturday night in San Pedro, every parent and grandparent knew something was up in town.  Charlotte Hansen performed a variety show for SAGA Humane Society as a fundraiser and the show was sold out!  SAGA raised $2,593, which means there are a lot of happy dogs and cats right now, who will be fed and cared for until they can find new homes.

Charlotte donated her time and talent to the community of San Pedro, performing puppet shows for hundreds of children across San Pedro ending with a variety performance at the Lion’s Den to help SAGA raise much needed funds.

SAGA would like to sincerely thank Charlotte and her helper Tudy for making this such a popular and well supported fundraiser.  This event would not have been possible without the amazing support of the community.

So a big thank you must go out to the following:  
The San Pedro Lions Club for making their Den available – especially Mel Spain and Reds, who were a great help. The raffle prize donors, who provided great prizes including Kakaw Chocolates, who donated a chocolate gift basket, Picasso Spirits, who donated Kahlua and Beach Berry Wine, Kate Vincent at Sew What, who donated a custom made dog bed and Susan Wolski of Aji Tapa Bar, who donated a $100 gift certificate for a tapas tasting for two.

Of course, in San Pedro, everyone rallies round for good causes, so there are a number of other people who helped to make this all possible who deserve heartfelt thanks.  These include Jim and Jamila Janmohamed who stepped in to loan their golf cart to help get Charlotte and her equipment around to the schools until Island Adventures Golf Cart Rental were able to generously donate the use of a golf cart, Marty Casado from, who along with The Tides Resort made sure that Charlotte had accommodation during her stay.  Colette Kase and Be Kind Belize, who acted as host to Charlotte and MC for the fundraiser.

So many others helped too and deserve recognition and thanks, such as Dianne Lawrence from Quicksilver Messenger Service, Dan & Eileen from DandE’s, Velie and Javier of A&J Island Rental, Milo’s Ice, Edna Marin (for the famous Chicken Dip), Rebecca McDonald, Sheri Luepke.  Of course we can’t leave out the SAGA volunteer crew including Elena Rivera, Carolina Gonzalez, Grant Crimmins, Lori Purdy, Rosa De La Rosa, Joe La Rosa, Kathy Marin, Ingrid Lima, Mary Hawthorne, Heidi Sowards, Ari Trejo and Bruce (the near sighted bartender) Pickering.  And finally, to the ticket vendors there is more appreciation and these include Oh! Danny Boy Realty, Pampered Paws, Coral Beach Realty, Pelican Properties and Caye Management.  Without the local media houses and their support, the event would never have been so successful.  

As always, SAGA Humane Society could not survive and save so many animals if it weren’t for the wonderful San Pedro Community.  There is one very special thanks left and that is to George, the wonderful puppet who brought joy and laughter to hundreds of children (and quite a few adults too!).  

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