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Another Amazing SAGA Rescue!

Nety Wasn’t Just Hanging Around – Kitten Saved from Death by SAGA

Press Release – 31 January 2011 –
SAGA just doesn’t help the San Pedro Community to deal with stray dogs, they also do cat ‘round ups’ too.  Volunteers and staff will travel around San Pedro and trap or capture stray, sick, abandoned and neglected cats.  

It was very lucky for little Nety that SAGA was doing a roundup that very day.  Nety, a tiny little kitten had managed to get herself all tangled up in some netting on a fence.   She had been stuck in the fence for hours in the hot sun before SAGA discovered her.  

On that day two members of the SAGA team were looking for stray and abandoned cats when they found a terrified and dying kitten in desperate need of help behind a house near the bridge.  They gently released the poor kitten and immediately realized that it was seriously dehydrated and gave it some water before quickly getting back to SAGA for some tender loving care.

Of course the name ‘Nety’ stuck and she recovered to become a healthy and beautiful cat.  Her experience clearly left her with a huge appreciation for human beings and so she was quickly adopted by a loving family and now has a permanent home, where she gets plenty of fresh food and water, tons of love and attention and a family to call her very own.  SAGA paid for all of her veterinary costs and made sure that she was spayed so that she won’t have any unwanted kittens that might end up in the same danger that she found herself in because she had no one to care for her.

In five years, one single female cat can be responsible for 20,000 descendents.  There are just not enough loving homes for all of those cats.  Of course kittens are adorable, but until there are no more unwanted cats in San Pedro, please have your cat spayed or neutered. It is the right thing to do and one of the best ways that, as an animal lover, you can prevent cruelty and suffering.

Come and visit Nety’s friends who were left behind at SAGA Humane Society.  If you see a cat or dog that is injured or suffering call SAGA on 226-2366 and they will be there to help.
Nety - rescued kitten!Nety - rescued kitten!

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