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Neighborhood Watch Cleans up the South

The South Ambergris Caye Neighbourhood Watch (SACNW ) completed another successful area clean up on March 13, 2011.  Approximately 37 area residents arrived at the BWS water tower at 7:30a.m. on Sunday morning to form into groups, grab garbage bags, water and gloves. The groups then spread out over three miles of southern Ambergris Caye to sweep clean our roads and beaches of trash and debris.  Residents in ages from 6 to 70 filled over 80 garbage bags of trash and filled three large truckloads which were then taken to the island dump.  

SACNW would like to thank all the volunteers for lending a helping hand on Sunday morning and especially to Joe Lawrence and David Mitchell for the donation of the trucks to collect and haul off the trash.

Members of SACNW ask residents to please remember to use the trash receptacles provided by the SPTB and SACNW, tie down large loads on trucks and take loads of trash all the way into the town dump.  Dumping on the side of the road and using trash for fill is unsightly, can create health and environmental issues and is illegal!
South Clean UpSouth Clean UpSouth Clean UpSouth Clean Up

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