Child Stimulation Month Ends With a Bang

March is a very important month for all Pre-schools in San Pedro. This is the month of Child Stimulation and this year the theme was “parents, educate your child”. Parents got the chance to bond a little more with their child during different activities such as parents & grand parents day, hug and tag day, flag day, cultural day, good and bad touch, traffic safety day, visit to the dentist, visit to the library, sports day, visit to holchan office, and nature walk. After a fun and exciting month the children, teachers and parents gathered to conclude the child stimulation month by parading the streets of San Pedro. All schools were beautifully uniformed with many colorful balloons portraying their happiness & togetherness. Great job to everybody and see you next year in March.

Child Stimulation MonthChild Stimulation MonthChild Stimulation MonthChild Stimulation MonthChild Stimulation MonthChild Stimulation Month

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