SPHS Shines in Track and Field Regionals

The San Pedro High School was proudly represented for the first time ever at the Track and Field Regional held in Orange Walk on Friday, April 1, 2011. A group of 32 athletes along with coach – Mr. Kirk Lainfiesta, Sports Coordinator – Mr. Paul Kelly and Principal Emil Vasquez went to Regionals and came back with over 50 medals.

After a vigorous day of events, the SPHS track and field team walked away with over 50 medals, 20 of which were gold medals (1st place) in various categories. These include junior discus female, junior discus, shotput, and javelin male, 100m and 400m senior female, the 4X100 and the 4X400 relay for junior male, the 1500m junior male, 800m, 1500m and the 5K senior male.

The team won silver (2nd place) in the events such as discus senior male, javelin junior female, discus junior female, 400m senior female, 4X100m relay junior female. The team won bronze (3rd place) for javelin senior female, shotput junior and senior female, discus senior female, 400m senior male, 4X100m and the 4X400m relay senior female.

Congratulations are in hand to all these young athletes as this is the first time that SPHS is represented at a Track and Field event. The team is a very young and growing team; other than three or four members of the team the others have never been to a competition of this sort. Several athletes had to be running back and forth to compete in several different events at the same time.

The team is once again travelling today, April 7, to compete in other categories such as the jumps for both male and female category. The team qualified to represent the North at the Nationals with kick off on Friday, April 8 at Orange Walk.

Congratulations to the team and we wish you the very best at Nationals. Make us Proud!!!
SPHS Male Track and Field TeamSPHS Female Track and Field Team

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