San Pedro Sailing Club Needs Your Help

Dear Editor,
On April 17, 2011, 26 new boats were placed in a container and were sent away on their long journey from China to Belize. These will arrive into the county sometime in May.

For San Pedro to benefit from the Belize Sailing Association’s youth sail training program we need to secure at least four of these boats to make the whole project viable for our children here on the Island. Unfortunately we have only paid for one of them and if we fail to secure the other three boats they will be taken by other initiatives on the mainland. If this happens San Pedro will miss out on this wonderful opportunity to get our kids out on the water.

Any help in getting a plea out for funds would be greatly appreciated. To enquire, please call Andy Milner at 632-4101 or Forrest Jones at 610-4550.

Kind regards,
Andrew Milner
Commodore San Pedro Sailing Club

Related Link: Lets Go Sailing

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