San Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in Panama

The San Pedro Lions Club attended the Annual Regional Istmania Lions Convention at Panama City from Thursday, May 19 to Saturday, May 21. The Belize delegation was headed by the Belize Lions Zone 59 Chairman, Mr. Baldemar Graniel and the incoming Zone Chairman, Dr. Glenford Espadas and included Lion members of both San Pedro and Belize City.

The group participated in the opening ceremony as well as several meetings, seminars and the gala event, The Queen’s Banquet and Dance. Belize participated in a cultural parade through the streets of Panama City and entertained the many visiting Lions in their own booth, with many traditional home made treats along with local drinks from our beautiful Belize. The group had the opportunity to tour the Panama Canal, Free Zone and other sites around the capital.
San Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in PanamaSan Pedro Lions Club at Istmania Lions Convention in Panama

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