Mary Open Doors to hold Work Shop on Sexual Abuse – Abuse is defined as cruel or inhumane treatment; a rude expression intended to offend or hurt. Many women, children and even men are victims of abuse whether it’s physically, mentally or sexual abuse. The problem is coming out of this abuse and finding help to overcome this problem and get counseling in order to get ahead in life.
A group of hard working Sanpedranos is working tirelessly to get The Mama Vilma Family Home to become a reality in order to shelter and help many victims of domestic violence and less fortunate children. This week, members of Mary Open Doors (family shelter) from the Cayo District are in the island to conduct a workshop on Sexual Abuse and to assist members of The Mama Vilma Family Home on how to deal with such cases.
Ambergris Today had the opportunity to talk with Mrs. Carmen Concha of Mary Open Doors who explained to us about the organization. “Mary Open Doors is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that provides services to persons who are victims of domestic violence, abuse and survivors of natural disasters,” commented Mrs. Concha.
Mary Open Doors has been operating for three years now and was formed by Mrs. Anna Sylva. The organization was formed when Mrs. Sylva hosted battered women in her home; she provided them with counseling and then began asking the community for assistance as more victims were seeking shelter.
The organization now has two shelters and an office; since its inception it has sheltered and helped over 500 children and women from all walks of life. Mary Open Doors provides services without regards to race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, age or religion.
Mary Open Doors will be working hand in hand with The Mama Vilma Family Home in sharing the knowledge on how to deal with victims of abuse, how to provide them with counseling and how to obtain proper resources for the shelter to be a successful one.
Carmen Concha and Ajia Meux of Washington DC, will be conducting a workshop on Sexual Abuse on Saturday, July 23 at the San Pedron Town Council. Topics such as how to cope with sexual abuse, knowing your rights, where to go and who to talk with are some of the topics that will be covered during the workshop. Everyone is welcomed to be a part of this work shop on Saturday, for more information kindly contact Mrs. Susana Eiley at 662-2121.